Dodie Davey (they/them), LMT#25171

Services Offered: CranioSacral Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Pregnancy

Dodie completed their initial massage training at Crestone Healing Arts Center in 2018 and has since received training in Biodynamic Massage from Todd Jackson in Portland. Their work is deep and gentle, subtle and potent, and invites more excellent connectivity and ease into the body-home of each client. They weave Reiki, CranioSacral therapy, and Acupressure practices into their treatments to encourage quietness and regenerative rest.

Dodie intends to hold a profoundly accepting space for everybody at the table. Their work is trauma-informed and client-body-led. They are especially curious about exploring how bodywork can knit back together what has been disconnected due to injury, chronic illness, and trauma. Dodie comes to this work with heartfelt trust in and reverence for the resilient landscapes of the body.

Beyond the table, Dodie can be found chasing after their wild toddler, biking in the rain, reading poetry, farming, hugging their friends, and finger painting.

Book with Dodie
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Anasuya Oyarzabal (she/her), LMT#1809


Torria Lee (she/her), LMT#13506